“The partial becomes complete;
the crooked, straight;
the empty, full;
the worn out, new.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
Acupuncture is an ancient system of maintaining and re-establishing health and well being. It can be used for the alleviation of many conditions of dis-ease as well as preventative medicine. The diagnostic tools of acupuncture enable us to detect weaknesses in the system even before they become a physical problem and we are thus often able to prevent conditions from occurring or worsening.
Acupuncture can be helpful for people of any age. I always follow an individual approach, treating each person according to their strengths and weaknesses in re-establishing balance within the body and mind.
After so many years of practice, I am still in awe of the never-ending possibilities that acupuncture offers to help people, it is true magic!
A lot of current research is being done to connect this timeless knowledge of natural medicine to our modern world. For a current list of health conditions that have been proven to respond well to acupuncture, please see this page by the World Health organisation.
“Kirsten graduated as a Licentiate of Acupuncture in 1994 at the International College of Oriental Medicine, UK She has been a practising member of the British Acupuncture Council ever since and is a member of the teaching faculty of the International College of Oriental Medicine.”

Kirsten currently practises acupuncture at clinics in:
Wadhurst on Mondays
Eastbourne on Tuesdays
East Grinstead on Thursdays
What people have said…
I am a 71-year-old woman normally in good health, although I have suffered with my nerves for most of my life.
I was living at home with my parents and when I was 43 my mother died suddenly. Two years later my father had a heart attack followed by slowly progressive vascular dementia. It was at this time that I started to have intermittent tinnitus and hearing loss. For the next 12 years, I struggled to care for my father; after his death, the hearing loss gradually worsened. This situation was particularly difficult for me as before this I had always had extremely acute hearing.
At the beginning of the year 2018 I started to become desperate. The deafness was isolating and when I went out people would speak to me and think I was ignoring them but I just couldn’t hear. So I decided to try Acupuncture. I started my treatments with Kirsten in the middle of March.
For me, Acupuncture works on many levels. It is a truly holistic treatment working on the mind, body and spirit and as a result I am feeling much fitter and healthier and find that I am much calmer and more relaxed. I am happy to say that at the end of June the hearing in my left ear came back totally and the tinnitus is gone. I still have some hearing loss in my right ear. To me this is nothing short of a miracle and I will always be so grateful to Kirsten for what she has done for me. I am now getting back the confidence which I lost as a result of my deafness. I am continuing to see Kirsten to retain my health and vitality.
— S. Robinson
I have had Acupuncture for over 3 years now and have found it helps with my movement. I have had a major stroke and without Acupuncture I would suffer from bad seizures. I would highly recommend Acupuncture as an alternative treatment.
— Diane M.
When I developed a problem with my legs, I contacted my GP. His treatments did not solve the problem or stop it getting worse. Visits with consultants (and weeks in various wards in London hospitals), did nothing to ease the problem. After 9 years I was told that no one had any idea what was wrong, but that I should order a wheelchair as I would have need of it very soon. Today I am not confined to that wheelchair and am making slow but steady progress toward full health. I often joke about Miss Germann and her magic needles, but in truth it is her skills, knowledge and experience that have stopped, then reversed my problem, for which I am eternally grateful. A wise old doctor told me recently that he had several patients who did not respond to his treatment. A course of acupuncture restored them to full health. I hope they did not waste as much time as I did when conventional medicine failed to work.
— MGM Preston
Kirsten is a complete personal health service! Kirsten is a very patient and understanding listener. Her “magic” needles invariably give a great measure of relief, if not total cure. She is a wonderful friend.
— Vera M.
Kirsten Germann, Lic. Ac., MBAcC., has been my Acupuncturist for almost 20 years. I visit her four times a year for what I call my MOT! Acupuncture focuses on the individual and not their illness or problem – she is well experienced in this having studied and trained for a long time.
Throughout our long association, she has successfully cared for vertigo, tennis elbow, Achilles tendon problems and boosting my system when the pulse checks have shown where attention is needed. To be pain-free and still “up and running” has made life much more comfortable for me.
Her latest successes for me have included treatment for my immobile eardrums and sea sickness. The latter was successful in November 2013 – thank heavens – since our ship found itself in a Force 8 gale and 10 – 12 metre waves for six days. When the Captain announced that “Ladies should not wear high heels” you will understand my relief and immense gratitude to Kirsten who has not asked me to write this Testimonial for her – I volunteered!
— Gillian S.
I have been receiving acupuncture from Kirsten for many years. Kirsten’s professional, insightful, calm and empathetic approach to me is always very nurturing and healing. I appreciate and benefit greatly from the time she takes to get to know and treat me as a unique individual. I trust her implicitly and feel cared for. I come away from an appointment feeling calm and rejuvenated. I highly recommend Kirsten to all those who seek personalised and holistic treatment.
— J. Williams